Sunday, May 20, 2018

Effective Communication

The human mind is a miraculous organ that has the potential of processing an incredible amount of data every second of every day. These observations come from both outside influences and our own conscience combining to make various conclusions and patterns that form our perspectives and habits. One of the conclusions that I am determined to change by starting this blog is that I am not an effective communicator. I may get my point across eventually, but it may only be with someone's assistance or an exhausting amount of drafts that I make a contribution to the discussion.

I love to cheer for the underdog in athletic and academic competitions, while I sit back contentedly in the average zone. I will be anyone's cheerleader as they advance towards their goal giving them the applause of an Olympic athlete, but in attempting to set and accomplish my personal goals, I too often give myself the participation trophy with the most prevalent thought being "well at least I tried."

My mom told me once a while back that the key to communicating well was in the practice of writing, which only made me think of all my English papers and their B-average grades. Sure, I was in advanced English classes all throughout junior high and high school, but I also suffered from the delusion that I must have just barely made the cut since everyone else wrote and expressed themselves with such ease. And thus, I stumbled my way through my grade school and university education, never reaching the level of confidence that I needed to feel fully competent in my writing.

After all the years since I first heard that piece of wisdom, it finally found a place in my brain because I am tired of being an average communicator. This blog is my attempt to rewire my thoughts and ideas in order to push passed any mental or physical block that keeps me from progressing toward my best self. It will be my research log of my ideas and attempts to make my actions conform more to my beliefs in hopes that I become less and less of a hypocrite every day. I will record my triumphs and my failings to the best of my ability. I strive for authenticity as much as I do for optimism. I welcome open communication and honesty as much as I welcome patience and tolerance of human failings and misconceptions.

I will aim to post once a week with my analysis of the past weeks goal attempts as well as the adjusted or new goals that I have for the following week. I would love to hear other perspectives in an inquisitive, open, and constructive manner. Any comments made in a belittling, condescending and shameful manner will be deleted. While I will primarily be sharing my journey in becoming an effective communicator, I would love to hear what conclusion you are currently working to change in your mind by rewiring your brain. 

Because I have the tendency to start a fun project and not finish it, my goal this week will be to write each day in my personal journal in preparation for next week's evaluation and goal adjustment. 

What is an idea that you are currently working to change (rewire) in your mind?

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